Frequently Asked Questions

& Concerns

How can therapy benefit me? Therapy offers a safe and confidential space to address emotional challenges, enhance self-awareness, improve relationships, and develop effective coping strategies. It empowers you to navigate life's complexities and achieve personal growth and well-being.

What types of issues can therapy help with? Therapy can assist with a wide range of concerns including anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship difficulties, stress management, grief, identity exploration, and more. My approach is tailored to your unique needs and goals.

What are the costs associated with therapy sessions? The cost is $200 per 50-minute session. Investing in your mental and emotional well-being is invaluable, and I'm here to provide a high-quality therapeutic experience that's tailored to your needs. I also offer a limited number of sliding scale slots for those facing financial constraints. Please feel free to discuss this with me. (Note: this price does not apply to Ketamine-Assisted Therapy. Please visit Psychedelica Collective for KAP rates).

How long does therapy take? Each therapy session lasts 50 minutes. The duration of therapy varies based on individual circumstances. Short-term therapy might focus on specific goals and last a few sessions, while more complex issues may require longer-term work. Your progress will be assessed collaboratively with your therapist.

What can I expect in a therapy session? Your session will be an invaluable opportunity for meaningful, open dialogue with a therapist who is committed to your growth. Together, we'll delve into your thoughts, emotions, and concerns within a nurturing and non-judgmental space. As part of our journey, I'll provide insights, personalized guidance, effective coping strategies, and transformative exercises—all meticulously selected to catalyze your healing and growth.

Is therapy confidential? Yes, confidentiality is a cornerstone of our work together. Your sessions and the information you share will be kept confidential within ethical and legal boundaries. However, there are exceptions if there's a concern for your safety or the safety of others. I'll discuss these and other boundaries with you to ensure your comfort and well-being.

Do you accept insurance for therapy sessions? I am not in network with any insurance providers at this time. However, I'm happy to provide you with a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement. It's important to note that while I will assist you with the necessary documentation, I cannot guarantee reimbursement for therapy services. Investing in your well-being is paramount, and I'm here to guide you through the financial aspect of your journey to ensure you receive the support you need.

Are there low-cost or free therapy resources available? Absolutely. If you're seeking more affordable options for therapy, I'm more than happy to provide referrals to low-cost or free therapy resources in the community. Your access to support is essential, and I'm committed to helping you find the resources that align with your needs and circumstances. You're making a priceless investment in your well-being and personal evolution.

Understanding the Risks and Benefits of Therapy

I believe in transparency and informed decision-making when it comes to your therapeutic journey. It's important to recognize that therapy, while often transformative and beneficial, may also present certain risks and considerations. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with both the potential benefits and the possible risks associated with therapy.

Benefits of Therapy: Therapy offers numerous potential benefits, including but not limited to:

  1. Emotional Growth: Therapy provides a supportive space for exploring and addressing emotional challenges, leading to personal growth and increased self-awareness.

  2. Stress Relief: Techniques learned in therapy can aid in managing stress, anxiety, and other emotional difficulties.

  3. Enhanced Relationships: Therapy can improve communication, conflict resolution, and overall relationship satisfaction.

  4. Coping Strategies: Therapists equip clients with effective coping mechanisms for handling life's challenges.

  5. Personal Empowerment: Therapy fosters empowerment, resilience, and a deeper understanding of oneself.

Risks and Considerations: It's essential to acknowledge the potential risks associated with therapy, including:

  1. Emotional Discomfort: Delving into personal topics may evoke strong emotions and temporary discomfort.

  2. Unpredictable Progress: Therapy progress varies from person to person and may not always align with immediate expectations

  3. Exploration Challenges: Facing difficult memories or past experiences may be challenging but is essential for growth.

  4. Lack of Resolution: Therapy doesn't guarantee all issues will be resolved, and some concerns may require ongoing management.

  5. Unforeseen Reactions: Discussions about certain topics may evoke unexpected emotional responses.

Potential Challenge in Couples Therapy: During couples therapy, it's important to be aware that addressing deep-seated issues within a relationship can sometimes lead to heightened emotional intensity. As we navigate discussions about sensitive topics, such as past conflicts, communication breakdowns, or personal vulnerabilities, both partners may experience a surge of powerful feelings. This emotional intensity can occasionally create moments of discomfort or conflict within the therapeutic process. However, these moments offer opportunities for growth and understanding. I'll guide you through these challenges, fostering a safe space for constructive dialogue and growth within your relationship.


Your therapy experience will be unique, and open communication with your therapist is crucial to addressing any concerns or questions that may arise. My priority is your well-being, growth, and empowerment, and I am committed to working collaboratively to ensure a safe and supportive therapeutic environment.

Should you have any questions or apprehensions about therapy, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me. I am here to guide you through your journey, tailoring my approach to best meet your needs while keeping your safety and progress in mind.