A Genuine Therapeutic Approach to Health, Healing, & Growth

Empowering Psychotherapy for Navigating High-Functioning Stress, Anxiety, Trauma, and Relationship Challenges

Virtually throughout California & In-person (limited) in Los Angeles

Individual Therapy | Couples & Relationship Therapy | Sex Therapy | Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

Individual Therapy

  1. Discovering Self: Explore the depths of self-awareness through individual therapy. Gain insights into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, fostering a profound understanding of who you are. Unlock the potential for personal growth and transformation, as you navigate life's challenges with newfound clarity.

  2. Stress Resilience: In our individual therapy sessions, you'll learn effective strategies to cope with stress and anxiety. Build inner strength, develop healthy coping mechanisms, cultivate emotional resilience, and gain the tools to navigate life's ups and downs with confidence.

  3. Empowerment through Boundaries: Strengthen your ability to establish and maintain healthy boundaries through individual therapy. Build the confidence to communicate your needs assertively and authentically. As you set clear boundaries, you'll experience increased self-worth, improved relationships, and a greater sense of control over your life.

  4. Healing from Trauma: Embark on a journey of healing and empowerment as we address past traumas in a safe and therapeutic space. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of trauma, fostering resilience and growth. Through evidence-based approaches, you'll reclaim your strength, find inner peace, and embrace a brighter future.

  5. Unveiling Inner Strength: Individual therapy offers a safe space to uncover your innate resilience and inner strength. By working together, you'll develop a deeper connection with yourself, fostering self-compassion and self-acceptance. This journey empowers you to navigate life's challenges with newfound confidence and authenticity.

Couples & Relationship Therapy

 1. Connection and Intimacy: Strengthen the bonds that unite you with couples therapy. Rediscover the joy of deep emotional connection and intimacy. Through open dialogue and guided exercises, you'll learn to nurture and cherish your relationship, building a foundation of trust and understanding.

2. Balancing Autonomy and Unity: Embrace a harmonious blend of togetherness and individuality within your relationship. In couples therapy, you'll develop the tools to maintain a strong sense of self while fostering a deep connection with your partner. Discover how your unique identities can thrive while supporting a healthy partnership.

3. Effective Communication: Unlock the power of effective communication in couples therapy. Learn to express your needs, desires, and concerns with clarity and compassion. Together, we'll navigate conflicts, enabling you to address challenges head-on and pave the way for a more harmonious relationship.

4. Navigating Challenges Together: Face relationship challenges with resilience through couples therapy. Whether it's transitions, conflicts, or life's uncertainties, our sessions will equip you with strategies to navigate hurdles as a united team. Strengthen your bond as you grow and adapt together.

5. Reigniting Passion: Revitalize passion and excitement in your relationship through couples therapy. Explore ways to reignite the spark and maintain a fulfilling romantic connection. Together, we'll explore techniques to enhance intimacy, reignite desire, and celebrate the unique bond you share.

Sex Therapy

  1. Enhance Intimate Bonds: Elevate your intimate connection through sex therapy. Rediscover the joy and closeness that intimacy brings to your relationship. In a safe and non-judgmental space, we'll explore techniques to deepen your physical and emotional connection.

  2. Open Communication: Embrace open dialogue about your sexual desires and concerns in sex therapy. Develop the skills to discuss your needs, preferences, and boundaries with confidence and understanding. As you communicate openly, you'll pave the way for a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship.

  3. Empowered Sexual Identity: Foster a healthy sense of self and empowerment within your sexual relationship. In sex therapy, we'll explore your unique desires, boundaries, and identities. Through this journey, you'll embrace a positive and confident sexual identity that enriches your partnership.

  4. Navigate Sexual Challenges: Conquer sexual challenges with empathy and expertise through sex therapy. Whether it's concerns about desire, performance, or other issues, we'll collaborate to find practical solutions. Strengthen your emotional and physical connection as you overcome obstacles together.

  5. Elevate Pleasure: Elevate your sexual pleasure and satisfaction through sex therapy. Discover techniques to enhance pleasure, intimacy, and communication. Our sessions will empower you to explore new dimensions of connection, allowing you to embrace a more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experience.

Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAP)

 Embark on a journey of profound healing and transformation with Ketamine Assisted Therapy. Grounded in pioneering research within the realm of psychedelic-assisted treatments, this therapeutic approach offers a unique avenue towards personal growth, emotional relief, and self-discovery.

Guided by a compassionate and experienced therapist, your Ketamine Assisted Therapy sessions are carefully designed to provide a safe and supportive environment. With meticulous attention to your needs, we integrate the potential benefits of ketamine to facilitate meaningful insights, release emotional burdens, and foster empowerment.

Recent studies have unveiled the promising potential of ketamine in addressing conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, grief, and complex trauma. Through this innovative modality, you have the opportunity to embark on a journey that transcends conventional therapy, delving into the depths of your consciousness to uncover profound healing and growth.

Our approach aligns with the evolving landscape of psychedelic research, as well as the ethical and safety standards that prioritize your well-being. Whether you seek relief from emotional struggles, yearn for personal expansion, or aspire to break free from stagnation, Ketamine Assisted Therapy opens doorways to transformation in ways that resonate with contemporary therapeutic insights.

Elevate your healing journey with the integration of Ketamine Assisted Therapy, and experience the potential for profound renewal, emotional resilience, and authentic empowerment.

Please Note: Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAP) consists of an initial comprehensive assessment and medical evaluation, a preparation session, the exploration session (with ketamine), and an integrative session. All Ketamine Exploration Sessions Must Be Completed In-Person at our facility in Beverly Hills, CA. For more information about KAP, please see Psychedelica Collective

Begin your empowering journey of self-discovery and connection, with my dedicated guidance by your side. Together, we'll navigate your unique path, exploring your way to a brighter, more authentic future tailored just for you.